Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hole In Heart More Condition_treatment What Is The Relationship Of A Heart Murmur To A Hole In The Heart?

What is the relationship of a Heart Murmur to a hole in the heart? - hole in heart more condition_treatment

I have heard in both directions. Some say the noise is caused by a leak from the inside, others say that the rumor is usually nothing to fear. My son had a stroke, caused by, say, a hole injected into the heart, the blood in the brain. Once the project was rejected because a heart murmur does not mention it was a little harder.

1 comment:

Dinty Moore said...

A heart murmur caused by turbulent blood flow as a jet. This may be the result of abnormal valves or a hole in the heart, especially if the hole in the high pressure of the lower chamber of the left ventricle. Rare blood clots can pass through a hole in the low-pressure chamber and cause the recipient to travel to the top of a stroke. As the low pressure in the atria of the turbulent flow is generally sufficient to cause a noise. Murmur may be accompanied by blood flow, rigorous exercise, even when the heart is normal murmurs are called innocent, are generated. Without knowing all the details is likely that the original rumor was innocent and not with the hole in the heart. These types of defects are recognized by hand, often silent and difficult to see unless and until something goes wrong and draws attention to them.

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