Sunday, December 13, 2009

Diazepam Is Diazepam Safe During Pregnancy? Any Women Using It In Pregnancy To Control Blood Pressure?

Is Diazepam safe during Pregnancy? Any women using it in pregnancy to control Blood Pressure? - diazepam

My Gynaec diazepam prescribed to control my high BP, but I found that Internet use can cause birth defects in fetuses, in some cases. While some other studies say the new research shows is certainly is diazepam during pregnancy. I am very confused.

I was identified with high blood pressure after 24 weeks of pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy and I lost my first baby. I have to be very careful. They also gave me methyldopa (Alphadopa) to control my BP, their use during pregnancy safe considred.

I must contine taking any medication. I will not ask him directly as she felt I ever Truust.

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